NCERT Questions in NEET 2022

In NEET 2022: Most Questions Come from NCERT Books and Exemplars

If you are preparing for NEET 2023, you may be wondering where to focus your preparation efforts. With a large syllabus and limited time, it can be difficult to determine which study materials are the most important. However, there is one source that you should prioritize above all others: the NCERT textbooks and examplars.

Why NCERT Books and Exemplars are Critical for NEET Preparation?

The National Eligibility Cumulative Entrance Test (NEET) is one of India’s most difficult medical entrance exams. It is intended to assess a candidate’s understanding and application of concepts in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. NCERT textbooks are the foundation for NEET preparation because the NEET syllabus is based on the NCERT curriculum.

In NEET 2022, most of the questions are directly from the NCERT textbooks and examplars. Here, we have attached PDF of the questions that were directly from the NCERT textbook and NCERT Exanplers of Physics, Chemistry and Biology of Class 11th and 12th.

Exam will test your ability to apply the concepts covered in these books to solve problems and answer questions. Therefore, if you want to score well in NEET 2023, it is crucial to study the NCERT books and Examplars deeply.

Proof That Most Questions Come from NCERT Books and Exemplars

The importance of NCERT textbooks and examplars for NEET preparation is not just a belief or a hypothesis. There is concrete evidence that most of the questions in NEET exams come directly from the NCERT books and Examplars.

A study conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) in 2021 & 2022 revealed that more than 80% of the questions in NEET 2021 & 22 were based on the NCERT textbooks and Examplars. This means that if you have a solid foundation in the NCERT syllabus, you will be more likely to succeed in the exam.

Deeply Focusing on NCERT Books and Exemplars

Given the importance of NCERT textbooks and examplars for NEET preparation, it is essential to focus on them deeply. Here are some pointers to help you get the most out of your study materials:

  • Start early: NCERT textbooks and examplars are vast, and it can take a long time to cover them thoroughly. As a result, it is critical to begin early and devote sufficient time to each topic.
  • Read what it says carefully: NCERT textbooks are written in simple and straightforward language, but careful reading is required to understand the concepts.
  • Solve the intext questions: NCERT textbooks contain a variety of intext questions that are designed to test your understanding of the concepts. It is crucial to solve these questions and check your answers against the solutions provided in the books.
  • Solve the NCERT Examplars: The NCERT Examplars contain a variety of complicated questions aimed at testing your application skills to the test. It is essential that you answer these questions in order to improve your problem-solving abilities.

In conclusion, if you want to perform well in NEET 2023, you should deeply focus on the NCERT textbooks and Examplars. These study materials are the foundation of the NEET syllabus, and most of the questions in the exam are expected to come directly from them. By studying the NCERT syllabus deeply, you can improve your understanding of the concepts, application skills, and problem-solving abilities.


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